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About Us

The Northeast Gas Association (NGA) is a regional trade association that focuses on education and training, technology research and development, pipeline safety, energy reliability and affordability, and environmental initiatives in the Northeast U.S.



Among the initiatives in the area of planning are the following:

Gas and Power Generation Interface

NGA continues its long-standing involvement in monitoring issues relating to the greater use of natural gas in power generation in the region. This includes:

  • Liaison with ISO New England, New York ISO and PJM
  • Outreach to state agencies, power generators, and other groups on gas & power generation issues
  • Convening periodic workshops on gas & power issues.

 In 2004, NGA established a joint Electric and Gas Operations Committee (EGOC) with ISO-NE, to enhance communication on publicly-available informational items relating to system operations on both the electric and natural gas systems. The goal of the EGOC is to promote greater reliability of the regional electric and natural gas systems through improved education, understanding, communications, and coordination.

Participants include ISO-NE, NY ISO, PJM and the NPCC; NGA, the interstate natural gas pipelines, and LNG import terminal operators; liquid fuel suppliers; and electric and natural gas utilities, among others. The committee is co-administered by NGA and ISO-NE.

The committee holds periodic meetings throughout the year via conference call, to help both the electric grid and natural gas system operators to maintain an understanding of each other's system operations.

For posted information on EGOC Committee meetings, please visit the ISO-NE website Here

Gas Supply Task Force

NGA's Gas Supply Task Force was established to coordinate the activities of regional natural gas industry participants with regard to issues relating to regional gas supply and deliverability, particularly during the winter heating season. The companies in the Task Force adhere to NGA's anti-trust guidelines.

The membership of the Task Force includes the interstate transmission companies serving the region, liquefied natural gas (LNG) importers and trucking companies, and the largest of the region's local distribution companies (LDCs). The Task Force generally meets once in the fall via teleconference, prior to the winter heating season, to confirm communication protocols and to provide updates on the status of company transmission and storage systems. The Task Force is then convened by phone several times during the winter to monitor system operations.

NGA informs state regulators any time that the Task Force meets. NGA also provides updates to the region's electric grid operators [ISO-NE, NY ISO, PJM] as well as to the NPCC regarding Task Force deliberations.

Gas Control Committee

NGA's Gas Control Committee is comprised of gas transmission and distribution companies who meet periodically to discuss industry developments in the area of gas control, and to review protocols for emergency coordination.