The Benefits of Becoming a Member

By joining NGA, you will become part of a growing and innovative industry association.


Safety is the gas industry's number one priority.

Learn more about our commitment to infusing Pipeline Safety Management Systems in everything we do.


Training & Qualification

Learn more about the Training and qualification programs currently being offered by the Northeast Gas Association (NGA)

About Us

The Northeast Gas Association (NGA) is a regional trade association that focuses on education and training, technology research and development, pipeline safety, energy reliability and affordability, and environmental initiatives in the Northeast U.S.


NGA Membership

NGA is your gateway to the region's natural gas industry. By joining NGA, you will become part of a growing and innovative industry association,
while gaining opportunities to advance your business.

If you are a utility, transmission, prodcer, midstream, storage company or LNG importer and would like information on joining NGA, please contact Eileen Sitte, Director of Membership,

If you are a contractor, consultant, manufacturer, distributor or other business providing products or services to NGA’s utility, transmission, storage or LNG importer members, click on the links below for information on the benefits of joining NGA as an Associate Member and How to Join.

Associate Membership Options for 2024

We welcome your membership. In 2024, NGA is offering several associate membership options. The choice is yours!
NGA+ is an enhanced membership option that will provide you with greater access to our programs and services, including participation on two NGA operations committees as a non-voting member. It also includes an invitation to participate in regulatory roundtable meetings and to have your company logo featured as a banner ad on NGA's website. In addition, you receive NGA publications and reduced rates to events.
NGA+ has a new option, either participation on three (3) NGA operations committees as a non-voting member.
The annual dues is $2,395.
Participation on two (2) NGA operations committees as a non-voting member. The annual dues is $1,945.

Basic membership offers the same services associated with associate membership over the past decades. This option includes receiving NGA's monthly newsletter and reduced rates for attendance at NGA events and training & qualification programs. The annual dues is $795.

Membership Application

To apply for membership,
click on the link below to create a profile.

To apply for membership,
simply view on the pdf document below:

For a look at the current Associate Membership list

For information about becoming a member of the Northeast Gas Association (NGA)

Please contact Eileen Sitte
Telephone: 781-455-6800 ext. 117