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Safety is the gas industry's number one priority.

Learn more about our commitment to infusing Pipeline Safety Management Systems in everything we do.


Training & Qualification

Learn more about the Training and qualification programs currently being offered by the Northeast Gas Association (NGA)

About Us

The Northeast Gas Association (NGA) is a regional trade association that focuses on education and training, technology research and development, pipeline safety, energy reliability and affordability, and environmental initiatives in the Northeast U.S.


PSMS in the Northeast

A Collaborative Approach to PSMS in the Northeast

Natural gas utilities in the Northeast are proactively enhancing their safety measures through the implementation of Pipeline Safety Management Systems (PSMS), a collaborative effort facilitated by the Northeast Gas Association (NGA). The primary objective of a Safety Management System is to empower pipeline operators in constructing a robust framework centred around a comprehensive, process-oriented approach to safety.

Pipeline Safety Management Systems

In July of 2015, the American Petroleum Institute (API) issued a recommended practice for implementing safety management system principles - the ANSI/API Recommended Practice 1173 Pipeline Safety Management Systems. The RP provides pipeline operators with safety management system requirements that - when applied - provide a framework to reveal and manage risk, and promote a continuous learning environment that facilitates continuous improvement of pipeline safety and integrity.

The standard was developed under the American National Standards Institute (ANSI) process that is recognized worldwide for ensuring broad representation and public comment.

What is API RP 1173?

The genesis of the standard was an NTSB recommendation that the American Petroleum Institute (API) develop a standard on pipeline safety management systems (PSMS) following their investigation of an industry incident in Michigan in 2010. The standard was developed by a diverse working group of operators from gas distribution, gas and liquid transmission and storage, federal and state regulators, and representatives of the public.

 For more information, visit:

Implementing Pipeline Safety Management Systems

The NGA membership collaborative approach to implementation is viewed as one of the largest coordinated PSMS implementation programs underway in the U.S. The NGA Board of Directors created a PSMS Steering Committee to guide this collaboration and champion PSMS implementation.

 Currently over a dozen utilities in the region are participating in the NGA collaborative, with the guidance of the Blacksmith Group, one of the nation's leading consultants and practitioners of applying and integrating safety management system principles into day-to-day utility operations. Blacksmith was also one of the developers of what is now considered as the American National Standard for pipeline safety management systems.

 A central part of the work is helping members collaborate and participate in a true learning environment, through sharing pipeline safety management leading practices and opportunities from a broad cross section of operators, both large and small.

 The Build-On Analyses and Road Maps developed through this process will be combined into a report for each member and a compendium of results will be made available to participating members in the spirit of facilitating true learning from each other.

 The initiative uses a Plan-Do-Check-Act framework. Front-Line Supervisor PSMS engagement tools include exploring consistent approaches to Management of Change (MOC), Pre-Job Briefs (PJB), adoption of Post Construction Assessments (PCA's), and Pre-Startup Safety Reviews (PSSR's) relative to PSMS elements.

 This enables a holistic, practical approach embedding safety management system principles into every decision and every action. The focus is on developing a culture and behaviors and a structured approach to revealing risk in a way that the entire organization can understand and implement.

NGA's PSMS Resource Center

As part of its effort to increase industry and public awareness of PSMS and its benefits, NGA has established an online Resource Center.

Developed in concert with our project consultant, The Blacksmith Group, the Resource Center contains a host of informational materials on the essential elements of PSMS.

In addition, the Resource Center will be a place for member utilities to share information on best practices and lessons learned.

In September 2021, the NGA project team announced: "Managing information and resources related to pipeline safety management system implementation using a common platform is essential for efficient and effective sharing of information. The NGA PSMS Implementation Collaborative is launching a framework for information sharing to ensure long-term sustainability of PSMS thinking, behaviors and culture. While the System is a continuous work-in-progress, and will grow over time, we are pleased to announce the initial framework deployment."

Look for further information on the Resource Center webpage here: