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PSMS Lessons Learned - Setting Up For Success - December 2024

PSMS Lessons Learned – Setting Up For Success – December 2024

To ensure Contractors excavating on behalf of Operators perform safely, we must take steps to equip them for success…


  • Pre-Job Training - Provide contractors with train-the-trainer guidance focused on working around gas infrastructure. Cover key topics including hazard recognition, safe digging practices, and emergency response protocols. Conduct thorough pre-job meetings to review the scope of work, site conditions specific safety measures and the locations of gas mains and other utilities. damage.
  • Safety Briefings - Provide contractors with clear work plans, including the exact location of gas pipelines, digging methods (e.g., hand digging, vacuum excavation), and tolerance zones around high-pressure mains. Require contractors to conduct or review a risk assessment specific to the excavation, highlighting potential hazards like gas leaks or accidental pipeline
  • Oversight - Assign qualified gas utility personnel to monitor excavation activities, ensuring compliance with safety protocols as well as the use of tools and technology to monitor for leaks or pipeline damage during the excavation process. For example, safe digging tools and equipment, such as vacuum excavation systems or ground-penetrating radar, to minimize the risk of damaging the pipeline.
  • Emergency Preparedness - Equip contractors with clear, well-documented emergency response procedures, including steps for handling gas leaks or pipeline damage. Conduct regular emergency drills to ensure contractors are familiar with evacuation routes, shut-off procedures, and first-aid practices.
  • Regular Audits and Inspections - Perform routine safety audits and site inspections to ensure contractors follow safety procedures and regulatory requirements. Inspect the work area after excavation to verify that no damage has occurred to the gas pipeline and that all safety protocols were followed.
  • Clear Communication and Coordination - Establish clear communication between the utility operator, the contractor, and other stakeholders, such as emergency responders. Implement a system for contractors to report near-misses or safety concerns, allowing for corrective action before incidents occur.

Description of Event:

A third-party contractor was performing verification excavations (pothole) over a Transmission Gas Main to confirm its location before the start of construction. The Contractor’s stated intent was to establish exact positions of the pipeline to propose alternate protection measures from those stipulated by Gas Transmission Engineering during design and execution of right-of-way agreements. During potholing, a Second-party watch guard / inspector was on site to observe the work per damage prevention policy and the gas main pipeline depth-of-cover was found to be 8 inches at the shallowest point. The Third-party contractor proceeded to saw cut asphalt for a pothole, and it was estimated that the sawblade came within approximately 1-2 inches of the edge of the pipe – a high-risk/high consequence near-miss.

Root Cause(s) and Contributing Factor(s):

Primary Causal Factor: Second-party Contractor watch guard walked job site and discussed work plan for that day, unaware that the transmission main was shallow in certain areas.

  • Root Cause: Procedure – Not used/Not followed – No procedure
  • Root Cause: Communications – No communication or lack of timely Communication
  • Root Cause: Work direction – Preparation – Incomplete Work Package, multiple departments/assets were involved contributing to lack of clarity and communication gaps between all necessary stakeholders.

Key Corrective Actions:

Damage prevention handbook was amended and updated to include a drop-down menu for estimated depth in high profile processes. Processes were amended to ensure a single point of contact, who is familiar with specific job site conditions, is available for excavation contractors.

Key Lessons Learned:

It is necessary to ensure our excavation contractors and inspectors are equipped with all necessary information and, where possible, be included in pre-job planning discussions with the Operator including consideration of in-person site visits prior to the start of work. Effective communication and job site reviews provide an essential layer-of-protection particularly during excavation in the vicinity of high-risk assets.

Thank you:

As we close-out 2024, the PSMS Committee would like to thank all Operators and Contractors for participating in the monthly PSMS Lessons Learned User Group. The safety value in open discussions where we routinely share near-misses and good-catches helps us all learn from one another and avoid incidents from occurring, In addition, this monthly group discussion enables sharing of leading practices in specific operational areas of distribution system operations, yet another layer-of-protection approach to risk mitigation. Active learning from each other is our best risk mitigation defense!

Looking forward to a great information-sharing filled 2025 in our collaborative efforts to reduce risk in day-to-day operations! The annual schedule of Lessons Learned User Group Discussions is posted on the NGA PSMS Resource Center (, all are welcome to participate!!