Policy Spotlight: Massachusetts DPU Order 22-100
On September 26, 2024, the Massachusetts DPU issued Order 22-100-A, the final Order in its nearly two-year long rulemaking to amend 220 CMR 100.00, Massachusetts Gas Distribution Code, and 220 CMR 101.00, Massachusetts Natural Gas Pipeline Safety Code. The rulemaking is intended to promote safety and ensure regulatory compliance. NGA and NGA members participated throughout the rulemaking, including by submitting comments and speaking at public hearings.
In response to the final order, NGA has continued to engage with our members and with our regulators throughout October. On November 7th NGA will conven the Massachusetts Advisory Committee for further discussion. We encourage our members operating in Massachusetts to familiarize themselves with the order, and we are available to assist you in these efforts.
To learn more, you can find the final order here.
You can find the 22-100 docket here.
For questions, contact Paul Armstrong at parmstrong@northeastgas.org